Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Beginning of Video Art

Well I have to say that the video art pieces we watched today were not what I expected.  To be blunt, they were a little boring and juvenile.  "The Kiss" used the Paint Box program to draw doodles and what looked like finger paint drawings over the singers and in the background.  I found this extremely dull and repetitive in a way.  

Not to lie, but it was tough staying awake during the first few videos in class.  "Dave's Bike" was a similar film in my eyes to "The Kiss".  It seemed pointless and that the creation of it took little to no skill or talent.

One of the few videos that really caught my attention was the one by William Wegman and his infamous dogs.  I have one of his photography books and immediately recognized his work when it was shown on the screen.  I am an extreme animal lover, resulting in my devout vegetarianism, and Wegman's work is simply lovely.  It makes me happy and warms my heart.

Other than that, I was a little disappointed in what we saw today.  I understand that with each art form comes progress and has to start at the bottom, but these films were just too long and simplistic for me to understand.  I hope to see more progression in the future :)

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